The Circle of Security: A Complete Guide

circle of security

What is the Circle of Security Intercession Convention?

The Circle of Security intercession convention is a 20-week parent training and psychotherapy intercession intended to move examples of connection providing care associations in high-hazard guardian youngster dyads to a more suitable growth pathway.

All convention stages, including the pre and post-intervention evaluations, and the faithful intercession, depend on the connection between hypothesis and strategies, momentum research on early connections, and article relations hypothesis. Utilizing altered tapes of their associations with their kids, guardians are empowered:

  • to build their awareness and suitable responsiveness to the kid’s signs vital to its getting away from to investigate, and it’s moving back for solace and relieving;
  • to build their capacity to consider their own and the kid’s conduct, considerations, and sentiments regarding their connection providing care cooperation; and
  • to consider encounters in their own narratives that influence their current providing care designs.

Circle of Security – Creating Capacities of the Bond

The Circle of Security is a visual guide of connection. The “father” of bond hypothesis, John Bowlby, said this regarding bond: “Cozy connections to other individuals are the center around which an individual’s life rotates, not just as a newborn child or a baby or a schoolchild yet all through youth and long periods of development also, and on into advanced age.

From these cozy connections, an individual draws strength and satisfaction throughout everyday life and invigorates and delights other people through what he contributes. These are matters about which current science and conventional thinking are at one.”

With the help of the Circle of Security program, you will be able to manage things and grow your bond with your children stronger than ever before.

Now, let’s look at the benefits of the bond between the child and their parents.

Attachment Problems in Infancy and Early Childhood

Being a parent or caretaker, you must have an idea that infants require a lot of tension to grow better and more robust. However, when they grow up, parents or guardians or caretakers don’t pay enough attention to them and get busy with other stuff or the children younger than them.

At this point, we guarantee you that your child will feel uncomfortable with a sudden change in your behavior towards them.

This can also lead them to feel unwanted and, from time to time, may convert into the feeling where they will feel unnecessary in the world. There is also a chance that they might suffer from psychopathology in their life.

Secure Attachment Bond with Guardian

A strong bond between children and parents or caregivers or guardians always plays an important role and provides strong support for the children regarding social morale. If you wish that your children stand out with other people and make their name shine, then it is your responsibility to provide emotional support to your children and help them find the solution for their problems.

Being a responsible individual, it is your responsivity to make your children strong enough to face the harshness of society and provide a tough competition to the people living in the society at every stage of their life.

Keeping the Quality of the Bond

Quality matters for everyone, whether you go to buy your groceries or in a relationship. It is necessary to make the charm and quality of the bond strong enough. Similarly, you need to keep your bond with your children shining and fresh. There are many ways to develop a stronger bond with your children.

For example, you can play games or do fun activities with them. This will help them have some fun, help the children be creative because of different activities, and create a stronger bond because of the time a child and the guardian spend.

Therapeutic Change in the Relation

The therapeutic change means letting go of the things or actions that make your relationship weaker from day to day ay. The circle of security program will also allow you to have a reliving relationship with your children.

With the help of such acts, your children will also feel secure to have you, and it will be easier for them to understand that you support them, no matter how harsh the situation is, but you will indeed support them. Hence, you must do the things that support your relationship and leave the things damaging your relationship with your children.

Relation capacities vs learning techniques

To keep the charm or spark in the relationship, you must have searched for the different tricks or techniques with the help of which you could do new things or keep the uniqueness and sweetness of the relationship alive. However, you will see your relationship alive when you clear the capacities or the gaps in the relationship despite learning about new techniques.

The same thing goes for the relationship between you and your children. Rather than focusing on the tricks and techniques, it is necessary for you as the parent or caretaker to fill the gap for a stronger bond.

Do what is best for children.

Every parent or caretaker wants their children to have the best things and live the best and happy life, and for that, the parents worked hard. However, it is also essential for parents to focus on what is suitable for their children and let them decide what they want to do. In this way, children will learn to make the decision for themselves.

You can guide them about what they should do and how they should do the things. As in the last, all parents or guardians or caretakers want the best for their children.

These were some of the benefits and the basic principles for the circle of a security program that could help you learn how to be a good parent or guardian and provide the best security for the children.

Now, let’s move towards the four stages of the circle of security to have a better understanding.

circle of security

Four Stages of the Circle of Security

#1 Explore Parenting

The first stage of the security program circle helps you research parenting. The environment or the scenario will be created with the help of which you could monitor and work on your parenting style better.

#2 Attachment Theory

The attachment theory, which is also known as Circle of Security, is the user-friendly map is given to parents so that they can understand the emotions of the children and how they change from time to time, how they get attached to the people and how to win the trust of the person, is all mentioned in the map.

#3 Develop Parental Skills

Skills are the necessary thing that a person requires in every aspect of their life. Similarly, when you enter your parenthood, it is essential for you to learn some skills and among which observational skills are the most important ones.

With the help of such skills, you will be able to keep an eye on your child and understand the different patterns and changes in your child’s behavior. It will be the time when you will ask about such a change in your child’s behavior, and they will be able to trust you more strongly than ever before.

#4 Reflective Dialogue among Parents and Empathy for Children

With the help of the reflective dialogue with the other parents in the group, you will learn the new things and experiences of the other parents. Furthermore, such an act will also help you learn new things and understand the suggestions from different views.

At last, it will also help you to understand how important it is for you to show empathy to your children rather than being defensive or showing sympathy to them. This will help the child to understand that you could feel them and their pain, and they will be able to open up about their problem more efficiently.

Final verdict

Being a parent or the caretaker is not an easy task at any cost, especially when developing and growing the bond between the child and the caretaker or guardian or parent stronger than ever before.

Most people have seen to be failed, as from time to time, the needs and priorities of the person change, but what should not be changed is the bond between you and your child.

You can get help with the security issues by enrolling yourself into the Circle of Security program and having a better understanding of the things you should focus on during your parenting stage.
